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Welcome to the CCBA & Betterbee Passport!

Whether you're a newbee or a not-so-newbee, the science, business and labor of beekeeping can be challenging.  So, let the Passport help guide you on your beekeeping journey.  The Passport is designed to increase our beekeeping skills, foster relationships, and celebrate our achievements.

As we all acquire new skills (or hone old ones), mingle with fellow beekeepers, and participate in club events, we will collect stamps, stickers, and pins to mark the occasions.  Each milestone is worth points, based upon the relative level of achievement.  Obviously, since there are points, there will be prizes!  So, participate early and often to give yourself the best shot at winning.




1 Point Meeting
Bring a snack to a meeting

2 Point Meetings
Attend a CCBA monthly meeting
Attend a committee meeting

3 Point Meetings

Attend the annual PSBA meeting
Attend or Teach the Beginner Course
Become an apprentice in the apprentice program
Become a teacher in apprentice program

1 Point Skills
Assemble/wax a frame
Assemble a hive body
Cook something with honey
Identify eggs, larvae, pupae
Identify a queen, worker, drone
Install a package/nuc/queen
Teach someone about honeybees

2 Point Skills
Extract honey
Identify small hive beetles and wax moth
Mark a Queen
Plant 2 pollinator friendly plants
Raise/Buy local queen
Read a bee book
Talk to you local inspector about bee diseases

3 Point Skills
Become a mentor
Catch a swarm
Do a mite count
Keep a yearly hive record
Make comb honey
Make a solar wax melter
Make a split/nuc
Register your apiary with the state

1 Point Events
Participate in bee chat
Show someone your apiary
Sign your passport
Visit someone's apiary

2 Point Events
Hive Building Event
Host a hive crawl
Join a CCBA committee
Participate in a citizen science project
Participate in a hive crawl
Plant Swap

3 Point Events

Attend a bee conference
Complete the annual census
Lead/Co-lead a committee
Organize a citizen science project
Present at a bee conference

Submit Your Passport Activities 
